You can do that using WinSCP on Windows Linux and OSX users can use the CLI and type in this command (replace GNS3_VM_IP_ADDRESS with the IP address of your GNS3 VM instance): scp OVMF-20160813.fd GNS3_VM_IP_ADDRESS:/home/gns3/ Unzip the downloaded OVMF-20160813.fd.zip, and copy OVMF-20160813.fd to the home directory of the gns3 user. Unzip the boot file and upload it to GNS3
Please note that you must have a service contract with Cisco in order to download it. How do you build Cisco networks in GNS3 In this video I show you how to download Cisco IOS images (Cisco VIRL images) to run IOSv and IOSvL2 in your GNS3 to.

This post will guide you through the steps of addding the UEFI boot file and using it for the NX-OSv9k appliance. Step 2: Configure Cisco ISO XRv image in GNS3. GNS3 Internet software which developed by GNS3 Team.

Note: Version 2.0 provides a solution to this problem. The only problem is that the image requires UEFI for booting, which is not provided by earlier versions of GNS3.
Download & View Cisco Vpn Wan Technology Design Guide as PDF for free. Cisco has released NX-OSv9k, and the good news is that it can used in a GNS3 topology too. Buy CISCO2911/K9-RF - Cisco Systems - CISCO 2911 - ROUTER - GIGE - WAN PORTS: 3.